首相纳吉今日正式宣布一个大马信托基金(Amanah Saham 1Malaysia)的发售细节。这一项由PNB (Permodalan Nasional Berhad)公开发售的100亿单位的基金将会在8月5日当天正式推出。每次由PNB发售的基金都会在华人的圈子引起热烈反响,大清早排队抢购这些新闻早已不是新鲜事,华裔对此基金的钟爱可谓众所皆知。
这类基金深受人民的热爱,原因无他,不外是稍微比银行利息高的回酬,加上打着政府的旗子,信誉保证。我想这些投资者中应该没有多少真正去了解这基金,例如阅读基金销售说明书(Prospectus)等,投资前作一个全面深入审核。更别说什么自我风险评估,资产配置等等相当重要事前准备。在此,我给大家分析这基金的一些细节,同时也告诉大家那些事项必须特别注意。(以下的部分数据皆以Amanah Saham Malaysia 2009的年报做准)
有很多人有着错误的观念,认为发行所得的资金将会用来直接投入政府的发展计划。真实的情况,这类基金与一般信托基金的投资策略无异,主要是投资在证券市场的各类型交易工具,最常见的就是股票与债券。譬如说,Amanah Saham Malaysia(ASM)在2009年的报告指出,基金的67.74%投入在股票,剩余投资在固定收益证券或置放于货币市场、现金或存款。严格来说,这是一种平衡型基金,其净值的波动较平稳。销售说明书指出,AS1M最多可以投资90%在股票,同时至少要10%投资在债券。
在Initial Offer Period(IOP)期间,是没有任何销售费用,过了之后基金经理有权征收1%的收费。不过,这比起一般的私营基金的3-6.5%销售费用,实在很便宜。再相比其他私人机构发行的平衡基金,这类基金的总开销比例(MER)就显得非常的低,才只有1%左右。这很可能是因为大量的资金的原因,产生规模经济(economic of scale),成本比例就很自然地下降。一般的私营基金,规模大概在1-5亿左右,顶多也是10多亿。
我本身是不会投资这基金,虽然某些部分是比私营基金来得优胜。原因无他,我个人认为在利用此基金推广一个马来西亚的概念时,不应以种族分配,就算只有30天。这根本就和我们首相推广的宏愿背道而行。其二,基金管理的方式极度不透明,连最基本的净资产值都没有写在报告中,一般的投资者真的很难去衡量基金的表现。其三,我担心基金规模过于庞大,会造成资金运作困难。其四,瞄了Master Prospectus一下,发现PNB旗下的基金经理多数是理财规划师(CFP)而非特许金融分析(CFA)。其五,我讨厌一大清早去排队。(个人主观)
ASNB - Amanah Saham 1Malaysia
可是要很早就去排队啦 -.-
Not sure want to buy this or not, still considering, Thanks for sharing so detail analysis..
Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M),what is 1Malaysia? WHY still has QUOTA huh?
I have stopped my wife not even think about it. The reason i stopped my wife ? Niamah,I am a CHINESE, and i really hate them to use the name - 1Malaysia. Is this a good reason ?
I want to share something about Amanah Saham 1Malaysia (AS1M).
Most people will think that AS1M is just like another unit trust fund by PNB, something like Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM) or ASW2020. But from my understanding, this is not the case.
Other PNB trust funds like ASM and ASW2020 give out dividend based on the returns of their investment portfolios, which are 95% equity and 5% others. Their yields have been consistently above 5% over the years (of course, this does not mean that it cannot go lower than 5%). These yields are benchmarked with the 3-month KL Interbank Offered Rates (KLIBOR), i think.
For AS1M, the yields are to be benchmarked against the yields from the Malaysian Govt Securities. In other words, the dividend from AS1M is to be benchmarked against the rates from the bonds issued by the Malaysian Govt. This is between 3.7% - 4%. In other words again, that means AS1M may not give out dividends higher than 5%.
Please do not get confused the Malaysian Govt Securities with the recent Sukuk Simpanan Rakyat (SSR). SSR is a special bond for rakyat issued by the govt (Ministry of Finance) and managed by Bank Negara, it has a fixed yield of 5% p.a. payable every 3 months. I am referring to the standard bonds issued by govts around the world including Malaysia, which is bought by international fund managers. AS1M is to be benchmarked against these govt securities.
Thank for your precious comment.
政府基金(PNB, KWSP, Khazanah)一直以来收购大型华资企业,UMW,SOUTHERN BANK。。 等。之后有 IJM,SP SETIA ?
PNB 则不断地的向华人拿钱,却给于比 ASB 差的回酬。
AS1M是fixed price fund (固定价格的基金), 许多人错误的认为投资者随时可以以每单位RM1的原价赎回,所以完全没有风险,其实不然。因为ASM并没有作此保证。
"the potential investors are .... who understand investment risk and reward"
有大约70-90%的AS1M会投资在股市。股市有起有落,遇到熊市时,AS1M的净值 (Net asset value)可能会低过每单位RM1的原价。如果那时有许多投资者对基金失去信心而要赎回,赎回的价格可能低过么单位RM1.
我想问, 我之前已经买了ASM,如果我现在想拿回钱,我是否会被扣除费用呢
ASM应该是没有收任何redemption fee的,请放心卖掉。
Hi Wei Sheong, your point is very good and very clear. Thanks for sharing.
Good day !.
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