Wednesday, August 8, 2012


网球天王费德勒(Roger Federer)在输了给地头虫Andy Murray之后,被记者访问说了这番话:
I’m very happy. I am satisfied. I think this is as good as I could do during these championships. Andy was much better than I was today in many aspects of the game. For me, it’s been a great month. I won Wimbledon, became World No. 1 again, and I got silver. Don’t feel too bad for me. I am very, very proud honestly to have won a silver. Had a very emotional tournament from start to finish. I could have lost in the first round against Falla. Same thing obviously with Del Potro. I felt like I won my silver, I didn’t lose it. So I feel very, very happy.
大意大概是告诉各位,他为获得银牌感到非常开心,并满足于这个成绩。同时也认为对手比他打得更好。他很享受待在温布尔登(Wimbledon)。他赢得温网2012的冠军,他也是目前世界第一。并没有任何遗憾。个人非常欣赏费德勒的这种大气,真正体现出奥运的那种体育精神。 目前费德勒被公认是史上最成功的网球手。他拥有17座大满贯男子单打冠军的记录,现今世界排名第一(2012年7月9日),拥有ATP排名历史上单打世界排名第一连续周数最长的纪录(237周,2004.2.2—2008.8.17),并以总周数287周超前了皮特·桑普拉斯的286周,这记录将最少延续到294周。

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